viernes, 3 de junio de 2011

Public Transport / Snapper Card

You will ask yourself “What is this?” the Snapper card is a very important thing in New Zealand, is an easy and faster way to pay the bus, the cable car and also the taxi. The way how you go from one place to another is very important here, because the places are not very close to each other so the way of transport is very important.
Other thing that is really important is how to use this card, is not difficult, you just have to put the card near a sensor and when you finish your journey start and repeats the charge you finish the tour, this is the Snapper card.


By Javier Hasbun.

2 comentarios:

  1. Javier, this is very interesting. I have some questions:
    1) How much do you pay to have it?
    2) How long does it last?
    3) Is it compulsory to get one?
    4) Are there any special discounts for students?
    I´ll continue following your blog. Have fun.
    Miss Angélica

  2. 1) The price is depending of the distance that you travel (between 2 and 5 Kiwi Dollars)
    2) I don't understand the question
    3) No
    4) Yes, there is a different price for children and adults.

    Thanks Miss
