viernes, 3 de junio de 2011

Living with a new family

We have been only 1 week and a little bit more living with new families, but with this short tome, I can say that is a very good experience to live with another family, and this have a lot of benefits.

A benefit is the improvement of your English, because you speak all the day the language with your family. If you need something, the only way to ask is with English, because they don’t know Spanish. If you watch TV, the TV is in English. If you want talk, or if the family talks to you, they would speak you in English.

Other benefit is the independence, because if you want go to the downtown or to any place with your friends, you have to know how you can come back to your home. You have to take a bus, some people train, and other ferry; therefore you have to realize, in what bus or train you must get on, where you have to get down, and then where you have to walk, etc.

Other, is know better this culture, know how live this people, because you star to be one more of the house.

Other thing is that you must respect the standards and the schedules of your family. Therefore, you have to adapt to many things, like the time that you must be 

By Andrés Jahr.

1 comentario:

  1. Andrés, It is nice to know that you are blending in in this beautiful country and specially in your foster family. I would like you to comment on the differences between the two countries referring to what you are allowed to do concerning, for example, nightlife. Are you allowed to go to pubs/discos? Until what time? Do teenagers respect the times their parents give them to hang out? What is school like? is it more difficult than our school? I´ll follow your blog to know about this. Have fun!
    Miss Angelica
